Tuesday 18 January 2022

For Thy Mercy And Thy Grace


1. For Thy mercy and Thy grace 

Faithful through another year

Hear our song of thankfulness

Jesus our Redeemer hear 

2. In our weakness and distress, 

Rock of strength be Thou our Stay

In the pathless wilderness 

Be our true and living Way 

3. Who of us death's awful road 

In the coming year shall tread

With Thy rod and staff O God 

Comfort Thou his dying bed. 

4. Keep us faithful keep us pure 

Keep us evermore Thine own 

Help O help us to endure 

Fit us for the promised crown 

5. So within Thy palace gate 

We shall praise on golden strings,

Thee the only Potentate

Lord of lords and King of kings.

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